Interview with Mick - one of the organisers of Sydney Leather Week

Interview with Mick - one of the organisers of Sydney Leather Week
16 Jul 2024 09:12 PM

Interview with Mick - one of the organisers of Sydney Leather Week

This is the second year of Sydney Leather Week. What inspired you to start this event, and how has it evolved from its inception?

When we started SLM we knew there was a need for premier events to help inspire and motivate the local leather scene, we had all acknowledged we had gone from being one of the better leather scenes to being one that may have been 3rd or even 4th in some peoples thinking in our country. Igor was passionate about creating a premier event that could return Sydney to being a ‘Powerhouse’, so when he became Sydney Mr Leather 2023 he asked me to help him bring it to life and make it an inclusive event that has potential to bring people to Sydney and showcase our leather and fetish scene.

Having commenced his title during World Pride in March we initially didn’t have a lot of time to bring much to life, so we started with setting ourselves a 3-year plan. 2023 was then planned as a weekend of events and to establish the SLW brand, 2024 this year was planned to be a ‘week’ or 10 days and bring together the Mr and Ms Leather Titles together as the premier event of the schedule as well as begin to bring more community events together, and we also intended this year to be the start of positioning Sydney Leather Week as ‘A celebration of Leather & Fetish in Sydney’.

We knew that year 1 and 2 we would need to do a lot of the hard work in creating events to fill the gaps, but it was the 3 year plan that hoped by next year its events and community groups approaching us wanting to put on events that provide a great selection and exposure to a range of leather and fetish groups. Our vision was it would need to evolve and grow in the same way our community continues to evolve and grow.

What are the biggest challenges of organising an event like this?

There are so many challenges! Obviously getting people involved and buying in to the events is a big one especially when you put money behind things in an effort to make things work and give the opportunities but then there is also the fact that everyone has an opinion which I’m good with but would rather them jumping in to help rather than the approach that people tend to think criticising helps when it doesn’t. If you want things done different or better then put on the big boots and jump in to help!

There are challenges navigating the issues that will always be present in a community situation and keeping personal views out of it, we needed to make a decision this year that some positioned as a personal decision, but it was wholeheartedly a decision to protect the brand of SLW especially when we had positioned our titleholders as a premier part of the program. So, it’s a landmine filled with challenges!

And what’s the biggest reward?

The biggest reward is seeing the community come out and enjoy the events, its also seeing people from interstate and internationally appear at events. It is seeing this and then seeing the smiles, laughter and fun that people are having while surrounded by like minded people that makes it rewarding. SLW itself is not intended to make any financial outcomes so the rewards of the effort are all about seeing the community grow and as mentioned earlier our vision was to create an event that could showcase Sydney’s Leather and Fetish scene to the world and return sydney to being a ‘powerhouse’.

For those who are new to Sydney Leather Week, what can they expect from this year’s festivities?

Well it’s a 10 day long celebration of the leather & fetish community, its filled with events that allow you to be surrounded by likeminded individuals, there are social events intended to create bonds and then social events to socialise. We are a sex positive event for men and hope in future there can be an inclusive one. For a full list of events check out .

Tell us about the Sydney MR and MS Leather election. What does it take to win these titles?

This year Richard Savvy is again producing the contest through Haus of Savvy with the home clubs SLM Inc for the Mr and Dykes on Bikes for the Ms supporting. This year we are bringing the Mr & Ms titles back together on the same night which will make for a great night of entertainment but allow closer bonds between the titleholders. We have seen and heard that people look at the current crop of titleholders and worry they can’t live up to them, and the reality is we don’t want them to live up to anybody but themselves.

I think its fair to say that there is no expectation they travel anywhere outside the local community but if they choose to do so that’s awesome. We don’t expect the persons to have the biggest leather collection or have runs on the board in the community. What’s really important is that they have a passion for the community and a desire to see it grow and succeed and a willingness to work with the home club, producer and predecessors who can mentor them.

Each person brings a different perspective to the title and different focus and that’s what’s great about these titles, they allow people to chose their own adventure while being supported and the main goal is visibility and advocacy for the community, being an ambassador for the community and that all comes from having a passion for its survival and growth.

Is there a particular story or anecdote from last year that you love to tell?

There is one that comes to mind. Last year we had 2 people attend events during SLW23 who made comments directly to us about ‘finding their tribe’ and a feeling of ‘leather family’. These are heartwarming to hear that through providing opportunities for people to come together with like minded souls that small things can have such meaningful impacts and allow people to feel connected. That kind of thing is in a way reflected in our post event survey we scored 9/10 for satisfaction.

How can people get involved or participate if they are feeling a bit shy or unsure?

This is an interesting one as I know through SLM Inc we have tried several approaches to help give opportunities for the shy and first timers and none has ever taken off, from a buddy system to a pre arranged meet up location prior.

SLM (Sydney Leahter Men) as an example offers a ‘Welcome’ desk at its monthly Socials so a point for the shy to walk up to and advise they are new at which point those on the desk will make efforts to welcome and then introduce them to others, but with so many different events I think the best way for someone who is shy or new is to reach out to the event organisers and ask them how best to approach it. SLW is more than happy to connect people if they don’t know who or where to go to ask the event organisers and encourage newbies or the shy to take the step, as we all started somewhere and there are so many great stories of people who made the step and came along and maybe had a few quieter events watching and slowly breaking in but now some of our attendee’s who are there every month are those who were once the shy newbies, so there will be people who can associate with you at events.

What’s the best way to break the ice at a leather event – asking about someone’s outfit or complimenting their flogging skills?

My own opinion has always been that asking someone about their gear is the best, as someone who leans more introverted with people, I don’t know I’ve always found the easiest way to break the ice is ask someone about an item they are wearing that you either like or is unique or looks like it has a history or story.

Thank you Mick! Now for some quick fire questions:

Cow or sheep?

Dance floor or Dungeon?

Chaps or Harness?

Night owl or Early bird?
Night Owl

Bold colours or Classic black?


Cocktails or Craft beer?
Craft Beer

Costume contest or Talent show?
Costume, no talents!

Group activities or One-on-one sessions?
One on One – But I’m always organising group activities, go figure.